Before and After the Storm: What You Need to Know for Industrial Stormwater Management

Recorded On: 2023/08/23

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Before and After the Storm: What You Need to Know for Industrial Stormwater Management

Part One: Before the Storm: Permitting Your Industrial Site for Stormwater Discharges


On Demand   
Duration: 1 Hour

Whether you’re a seasoned pro or new to your role, the nuances of permitting for industrial stormwater programs can be complex and ever-shifting. This webinar—the first of a two-part industrial stormwater webinar series—will discuss the applicability of the multi-sector general permit (MSGP) for authorizing the discharge of stormwater associated with industrial activity. Julie will review which industrial operations require stormwater permit coverage, the types of discharges that can be authorized, and the process for developing a SWPPP and obtaining permit coverage.

Presented By: Julie Morelli, P.G., REM, CPESC, CESSWI

Part Two: After the Permit: Monitoring Your Industrial Stormwater Program for Compliance


Duration: 1 Hour

So, you have your industrial stormwater general permit authorization and SWPPP in hand. Now what? This webinar—the second in a two-part series–will discuss the necessary steps to follow after your industrial facility has received coverage under an industrial stormwater general permit. Nathan will present an overview of essential recordkeeping, inspection, monitoring and reporting requirements commonly found within industrial stormwater general permits.

Presented By: Nathan Collier, CPESC, CESSWI


Julie Morelli, P.G., REM, CPESC, CESSWI

Julie Morelli, P.G., REM, CPESC, CESSWI has extensive experience in both public and private environmental compliance. Her expertise lies primarily in water quality, erosion and sediment controls, solid waste management, spill delineation and Phase I/II/III environmental site assessments and corrective action programs. She has been involved in water quality and waste management issues as they affect industrial, federal and municipal facilities since 1998. Ms. Morelli works as a professional geoscientist, understanding the interaction of the regulatory framework between federal, state and local regulations.

Nathan Collier CPESC, CESSWI

Environmental Specialist and Associate Project Manager

Nathan Collier, CPESC, CESSWI is a Project Manager and Environmental Specialist at POWER Engineers, with approximately nine years of environmental consulting experience. His experience includes stormwater and wastewater permitting and compliance; Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) compliance; environmental site assessments (ESAs); environmental auditing; EPCRA Tier II and TRI reporting; recycling and waste minimization; and environmental training. Nathan’s consulting experience has spanned over 20 states and has involved assisting a wide variety of clients, including electrical transmission and generation utilities, municipalities, concrete, asphalt and cement plants, quarries and mines, manufacturing facilities, and oil and gas operations.

This webinar contains two parts, each worth (1) Professional Development Hour. 

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