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    This webinar will celebrate and showcase the Australasian Chapter's Environmental Excellence Award winners for 2023. Bruce Highway, Cairns Southern Access Corridor (Stage 3) - Edmonton to Gordonvale Project (E2G) - AND - NIWA Weather Forecasting – A New Zealand First in the Construction Industry.

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    This webinar is presented by Storm Water Solutions and the International Erosion Control Association (IECA). This webinar will present recent work to update runoff coefficients in the metropolitan Denver area within the Mile High Flood District. Many of the runoff coefficients included in local, regional, and national guidance documents were developed decades ago and do not necessarily represent current types and densities of development. This work involved analysis of recent developments to compare measured imperviousness with guidance on imperviousness that is used to calculate runoff coefficients to assess current density of developments relative to imperviousness assumptions in current criteria. We also searched the literature and performed analysis to develop criteria for runoff coefficients for different types of waterwise land cover from western desert rock mulch landscaping to landscaping with native grasses. In addition, we performed modeling analysis to evaluate the effects of disconnected impervious area and panel orientation on runoff coefficients for solar installations.

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      • Australia Member - $15
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    Select content from the IECA 2023 Annual Conference is now available on demand. Annual Conference education featured timely content presented by knowledgeable experts that provides real world solutions to industry problems.

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      • Australia Member - $15
      • Australia Non-Member - $40
      • Australasia Professional Plus - Free!
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    This webinar presents the various needs for grade control measures, the types of grade control structures, how these structures dissipate the water’s energy, their pros and cons, and also presents “low head” grade control structures often used in stream restoration projects.

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      • Australia Member - $15
      • Australia Non-Member - $40
      • Australasia Professional Plus - Free!
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    This presentation gives an understanding of what the Infrastructure Sustainability Council is, what makes up the ISC scoring and how the ESC industry can be involved and contribute to increased sustainability practices within their business, services and products.

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      • Australia Member - $15
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    Healthy soil is the foundation of all civilizations. One of the most diverse habitats on earth—and one of the planet’s largest reservoirs of carbon—healthy soil is crucial for clean and abundant water supplies, and a stable climate. As Franklin Delano Roosevelt once said, “The nation that destroys its soil, destroys itself.” This webinar series looks at innovative ways to build soil health for long term sustainability.

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      • Australia Member - $15
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      • Australasia Professional Plus - Free!
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    Join the International Erosion Control Association (IECA) for Mississippi Watershed: Stream and Shoreline Restoration to Improve Water Quality. This presentation will feature two presenters discussing stream and shoreline restoration along with Mississippi River. The Mississippi River is the primary river of the second-largest drainage system on the North American continent, the total drainage basin is 1,151,000 sq mi (2,980,000 km2). Putting the river as the 14th largest river by discharge in the world. This presentation will examine communities at the Headwaters & Upper Mississippi River as they work on stream and shoreline restoration to improve water quality.

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      • Australia Member - $15
      • Australia Non-Member - $40
      • Australasia Professional Plus - Free!
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    Join the International Erosion Control Association (IECA) for Get Erosion and Sediment Control to Work for You: Saving Time and Money While Protecting the Environment. This series will focus on erosion control from the beginning. First take a step back to the basics of erosion control with a look at the importance of controlling erosion on site. Then we will dive into the importance of planning and investing up front on erosion control. We will look at implementing the plans and the importance of flexibility when plans change. Finally, we will look at some real-life storm event case studies and ways to be storm ready in your projects.

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      • Australia Member - $15
      • Australia Non-Member - $40
      • Australasia Professional Plus - Free!
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    In this webinar, presented by Storm Water Solutions and the International Erosion Control Association (IECA), participants will gain an understanding of how different modes of sediment control affect the discharge commitments and role of related weather impacts. Additionally, recognize how sediment control BMPs may fail to deliver permit requirements unless upgraded and amended as the work changes, and finally, integrate staged sediment control based on function into the work.

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      • Australia Member - $15
      • Australia Non-Member - $40
      • Australasia Professional Plus - Free!
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    Join the International Erosion Control Association (IECA) for The Science of Pollution Avoidance where we will focus on protecting our soil and water resources applying avoidance and mitigation approaches from around the world.

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      • Australia Member - $15
      • Australia Non-Member - $40
      • Australasia Professional Plus - Free!
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    Join the International Erosion Control Association (IECA) for the Water Management and Soil Protection in Mining where we will explore some of the environmental challenges of mining. This three-part series will examine how we can invest in environmental management in mining. The series will close with a panel discussion between industry leaders. This series will feature three webinars and a panel discussion.

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      • Australia Member - $15
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    El contenido seleccionado de la Conferencia Anual Virtual IECA 2021 ahora está disponible bajo demanda. La educación de la Conferencia Anual incluyó contenido oportuno presentado por expertos expertos que brinda soluciones del mundo real a los problemas de la industria.

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      • Emeritus member - $15
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      • Australia Member - $15
      • Australia Non-Member - $40
      • Australasia Professional Plus - Free!
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    Join the International Erosion Control Association (IECA) for the Global Soil and Water Quality in Organic Vineyards where we will explore advantages of organic practices in agriculture, the wine industry and other related industries.

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      • Australia Member - $15
      • Australia Non-Member - $40
      • Australasia Professional Plus - Free!
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    Join the International Erosion Control Association (IECA) for the Challenge Meets Opportunity: Global Erosion Control Case Studies where we will explore the worlds challenges in erosion control and how innovation and collaboration has led to success.

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      • Discounted Professional member - $15
      • Australia Member - $15
      • Australia Non-Member - $40
      • Australasia Professional Plus - Free!
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