- Non member - $135
- Professional member - $135
- Professional Plus member - $135
- Professional Plus Org member - $135
- Student member - $135
- Young Professional member - $135
- Emeritus member - $135
- Discounted Professional member - $135
- Australia Member - $135
- Australia Non-Member - $135
- Australasia Professional Plus - $135
This module will provide the necessary tools for inspecting BMPs found on land development, vertical/big box construction, and linear projects. Participants will learn about inspecting installed sediment and erosion control measures, whether the BMPs are functioning in a correct manner, and assess BMP limitations. In addition, information will be provided on inspecting storage areas where potential pollution problems may occur and assessing whether new BMPs need to be added or whether existing structures can be removed.
Items for this Module will include (but are not limited to):
- Writing Inspection and Corrective Action Reports
- Sediment Control BMPs
- Barriers
- Sediment Containment Systems
- Erosion Control BMPs
- Limitations
- Inspection Worksheets
- Erosion Control BMPs
- Structural Methods
- Use of Vegetation
- Mulches and RECPs
- Wind Erosion
- Limitations
- Inspection Worksheets
- Hazardous and Waste Material
At the completion of this course you will receive 2.5 Professional Development Hours of credit. For any questions on continuing education credit, please contact IECA Education at education@ieca.org

Ecopliant Environmental, Inc.
USA Office:
P.O. Box 188
Parker, CO 80134
Main Phone: 720-235-2783
Toll Free: 1-833-760-7800
Fax: 720-600-2658
Email: contactus@ecopliant.org