Don't Fence Me In - Silt Fence Alternatives

Recorded On: 2022/05/24

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Don't Fence Me In - Silt Fence Alternatives


Presented by: Dave Jenkins, CPESC, CESCL
Level: Beginner  |Intermediate | Advanced
Duration: 1 hour
Type of Course: On-Demand

Silt fences, silt fences everywhere you look; up the hill, down the hill, on top of the hill, over the hill, on flat surfaces,  and in ditches.  Silt fence is a petrochemical-based material that, while strong and cheap, is not recyclable, generally not reused, mostly gets landfilled and adds microplastics to the environment.  In addition, it is over designed, over specified, and over-used. This presentation will discuss when to use silt fence and provide alternative best management practices (BMPs) to use when silt fence is not the right choice.  Examples will be provided for BMPs to use on impervious surfaces, in and around wetlands and sensitive areas, and on flat projects. 


Hosted by


Dave Jenkins, CPESC,CESCL

Dave Jenkins recently retired after 22 years at the Port of Seattle as their Erosion Control/Stormwater Engineer. Prior to that, he was the first Statewide Erosion Control Coordinator at WSDOT, where he began the Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Lead (CESCL) program. Dave has been a member of the IECA for about 27 years and chapter president for not quite 2 years. Dave is a self proclaimed erosion nerd and has been in the erosion control field for over 29 years.  

You will receive 1 Professional Development Hour for this webinar. 


Don't Fence Me In - Silt Fence Alternatives Webinar
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1.00 PDH credit  |  Certificate available
1.00 PDH credit  |  Certificate available