Join us for the IECA Southeast Virtual Connection from the comfort of your home or office. This event offers five (5) on-demand one hour presentations focusing on issues around the southeast region. Each event will be presented by a southeast industry leader and take a look at different stormwater trends throughout the Southeast United States. Stormwater professionals will leave this event with practical knowledge that can be applied to their job. This event is free to members and low cost for nonmembers.
Sessions included in this Virtual Connection:
LID/Green Infrastructure and Piedmont Soils | Real Research, Real Projects, Real Impact with Chris Estes
The Use of High Definition Stream Survey to Document Channel Conditions for MS4 Stormwater Permitting with Brett Connell
BMPs and Modeling – Is it Time to Try Something New? with JP Johns
Taking a Watershed Stewardship Approach with Eve Brantley
Engineered Soil Cover Systems for Successful Coal Ash and Mined Land Rehabilitation Projects in the Southeastern United States with Marc S. Theisen, M.Sc., CPESC, CPSWQ, CESSWI
Course Level: All
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Hosted by:
Chris J. Estes, North Carolina, RLA, GC
Chris Estes is president of Estes Design, Inc., & owner manager of Anglesy Construction companies in Charlotte NC that specialize in Low Impact Development design & construction, storm water quality, and environmental regulatory services
Mr. Estes has conducted and published hydraulic research in peer review publications such as the Journal of American Water Resource Association and industry publications including Stormwater Magazine. He initiated four UNC Charlotte graduate research projects, and another which he conducted and co-authored. He has been a contributor to several books including the engineering Guide to LEED New Construction. Mr. Estes has developed patents in CO2 sequestration and continues to look for ways to learn and advocate for sustainable practices
Mr. Estes designed and researched the first multi-family pervious concrete (PC) parking system in NC and the first private and public (PC) lots in Kentucky. Mr. Estes assisted North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources revise Chapter 18 of the NC BMP Manual, “Permeable Pavement” and continues to work with regulatory commissions to revise and update Low Impact Development standards
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J.P. Johns, PE
Water Resource Leader
Mr. J.P. Johns, P.E., has over 20 years’ experience in hydrology and hydraulic analysis of urban waterways with additional experience in erosion prevention and sediment control, post-construction water quality, and NPDES MS4 program implementation. He earned a B.S. degree in Agricultural Engineering and an MS degree in Biosystems Engineering from Clemson University. He received the IECA 2014 Sustained Contributor Award and the IECA 2018 Technical Paper of the Year, is currently the President of the IECA Southeast Chapter, is a member of the South Carolina Association of Stormwater Managers, the Water Environment Association of South Carolina, and sits on the ASTM D18 and C27 committees.
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Brett Connell
Mr. Connell is a key developer of the HDSS methodology and the founder of Trutta Environmental Solutions. He has 15 years experience in water resources, stream ecology, and fisheries biology with project experience in 13 states. Mr. Connell specializes in the development and application of innovative technologies that help solve difficult water resource management problems. He earned his M.S. in Biosystems Engineering Technology from the University of Tennessee, a B.S. in Environmental Science from the University of Toledo, and an Associates Degree in Fisheries Management and Aquaculture from Hocking College.
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Dr. Eve Brantley
Professor and Water Resources Extension Specialist
Eve Brantley is a Professor with the Auburn University Department of Crop, Soil and Environmental Sciences. She also serves as the Director of the Auburn University Water Resources Center and the Alabama Cooperative Extension System Water Resource Specialist. Brantley has worked on water education and project implementation at the watershed, river basin, and regional scales. Her work includes educational programming on green infrastructure, watershed planning and connecting people to their local water ways.
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Marc S. Theisen, M.Sc., CPESC, CPSWQ, CESSWI
Vice President - Business Development and Technical Services Profile Products LLC
Marc S. Theisen, M.Sc., CPESC, CPSWQ, CESSWI is Vice President of Business Development and Technical Services for Profile Products, LLC. He has extensive global experience in erosion and sediment control working on energy, mining, infrastructure and construction related projects over six continents. He works in the development and technical marketing of a comprehensive family of erosion control, sediment control, biotic soil amendment and stormwater treatment technologies. He is a founding member of the Erosion Control Technology Council (ECTC) and a member of the ASTM D18 and D35 Committees on Erosion Control, Sediment Control and Geosynthetics. He is an active and longtime member and past Technical Vice President of the International Erosion Control Association (IECA). In 2007 Marc was recognized by Land Development Today magazine as a Stormwater All-Star – one of the most influential people in stormwater management and in 2015 as a “Mover and Shaker” by Storm Water Solutions magazine. In 2018 he was recognized by EnviroCert, International with a Distinguished Service Award and by IECA for the 2018 Technical Paper of the Year.
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To receive credit for this class you must watch at least one presentation. You have the option to listen to as many presentations as you wish, however you will only receive education credit for the presentations you attended. The total number of Professional Development Hours for this event is five (5).
IECA's Group Watch Feature is designed to save you money while still delivering our world class education. The cost is one connection at full price and then each additional connection within your organization is $15. You must be part of the same organization to purchase group watch. To purchase the group watch for your organization, please contact
Engineered Soil Cover Systems for Successful Coal Ash and Mined Land Rehabilitation Projects in the Southeastern United States
Recorded 2020/02/24
Recorded 2020/02/24
This paper presents an overview of soil testing requirements, guidance for the use of Biotic Soil Technology (BST) and other agronomic formulations, and descriptions of complementary erosion control techniques with case histories documenting successful and cost-effective coal ash and mine cover systems in the Southeastern US. In addition, these case studies will describe and detail longer term performance monitoring techniques to demonstrate sustained improvements in Soil Health.
Learning Objectives:
1. By attending this presentation the attendee will learn more about Engineered Soil Cover Systems and how they are functional and cost-effective alternative to a topsoil layer.
2. By attending this presentation the attendee will learn how Biotic Soil Technology can accelerate soil development and more rapidly improve Soil Health.
3. As a result of attending this presentation the viewer will see case studies documenting the use of these designs and technologies to successfully rehabilitate and close coal ash and mined land sites.
LID/Green Infrastructure and Piedmont Soils | Real Research, Real Projects
Recorded 2020/06/08
Recorded 2020/06/08
Sponsored by: Lake Murray Environmental Services, LLC -
Low impact development (LID) is defined by the EPA as “systems and practices that use or mimic natural processes that result in the infiltration, evapo-transpiration or use of storm water in order to protect water quality and associated aquatic habitat.” The low impact development process begins with diligent planning. The goal is to match pre-development hydrology through green infrastructure techniques that incorporate infiltration and evapo-transpiration processes to the highest extent practical. With tree canopy and vegetation loss being the most salient change in the developed landscape, it is infiltration that must be the first and foremost goal of project planning. Within this goal, the ability to maintain the function of these systems in perpetuity is prerequisite. This workshop investigates Green Infrastructure and research with example case studies of practical planning, design and implementation for long-term function. Examples of design & construction success, blunders and their outcomes will be discussed.
The Use of High Definition Stream Survey to Document Channel Conditions for MS4 Stormwater Permitting
Recorded 2020/06/15
Recorded 2020/06/15
Sponsored by: Trutta Environmental Solutions;
Municipal responsibility under the Tennessee phase II MS4 general stormwater permit compliance is intended to minimize stormwater runoff and protect its citizens from various water pollution issues. The City of Cleveland, TN contracted Trutta Environmental Solutions to document the streambank and channel conditions within the city’s boundaries using the High Definition Stream Survey (HDSS). HDSS method is adaptable to different sampling protocols including the Maryland Stream Corridor Assessment Survey Protocols which was used in the past by the city. Using the HDSS platform on both kayak and backpack, all necessary information was collected on 30 miles of stream in only 4 days with a crew of 2 technicians. In addition to completing MS4 Permit requirements associated with documenting the stream channel conditions, the city now has extensive geo-referenced, baseline condition video of its streams to track progress on the issues documented during this initial survey. The HDSS approach was created to rapidly gather continuous geo-referenced data in a single pass for a broad range of stream and streambank conditions by integrating GPS, video, depth, water quality and other sensors. Once the data are collected, the videos are combined to create a virtual tour with four simultaneous views of the river survey (front, left bank, right bank and underwater). Other information such as side-scan sonar and a dynamic overhead map are also included when applicable. Because each second of video is linked to a specific GPS point, this allows for the identification, selection and prioritization of streambanks for restoration. The results can also be used to monitor restoration results, determine the extent and distribution of instream habitat, define the geomorphic condition for the stream, identify infrastructure impacts, and provide a powerful “virtual tour” experience.
BMPs and Modeling – Is it Time to Try Something New?
Recorded 2020/06/22
Recorded 2020/06/22
Sponsored by: Woolpert Inc. & Minitrencher - GeoRipper
Hydrologic and hydraulic modeling has traditionally evaluated the performance of drainage systems and Best Management Practices (BMPs) using historical or design storm events. However, today’s readily available radar data is enabling us to move away from this reactive approach and focus on more proactive modeling. With the ability to better define probable flooding areas, timeframes, and severity, near-real-time modeling has the potential to allow decision-makers to reduce risk and get people out of harm’s way before the flooding strikes. This crucial information prepares local managers to better protect human life and manage resources and services. This presentation will demonstrate how leveraging the strengths of various available rainfall datasets can result in better stormwater model predictions. Case examples will illustrate how radar and forecasted rainfall datasets compare to gauge-measured rainfall and how the forecasted rainfall’s simulated stream data compares to actual gauge-measured stream data. By understanding how the rainfall forecasts differ from measured data, as well as the impact of those differences on the primary outcome of stream flow and level data, managers can use near-real-time models more effectively to plan for and respond to flooding events. This presentation will also discuss the use of Smart BMPs, which are a relatively low-cost BMP/pond retrofit or new BMP/ pond enhancements that have both water quality and quantity improvement implications. The principle of operation is automated control of a valve that regulates pond discharges in response to real-time pond conditions, near-real-time weather forecasts and near-real-time models. Automated control of pond outlet structures allows BMPs to be operated efficiently and effectively during varying runoff conditions in a way that optimizes storage capacity, infiltration, and pollutant removal mechanics. Implemented on a watershed scale, Smart BMP have the potential to reduce nuisance flooding and provide measurable water quality benefits. Coastal areas may benefit from sequential draining of a series of ponds during low-tide conditions in anticipation of a runoff event that may otherwise result in flooding. A network of interconnected Smart BMP systems could be established to provide a watershed with maximum buffering capacity of in-stream peak flowrates through scheduled discharges. This presentation may help you determine if it is time for you to try something new?
Recorded 2020/06/30
Alabama Watershed Stewards (AWS) is a new science-based educational program that promotes healthy watershed function by increasing people’s understanding of water pollution while providing the toolsets needed to prevent and resolve local water quality problems. Bringing a human-dimension to efforts of identifying and addressing water quality issues, the AWS program acknowledges that social and ecological systems are intertwined, and that water quality is also a complex social issue. this year the AWS program will expand statewide, reaching communities in four different watersheds across Alabama. The goal of the AWS program is to increase citizen awareness and knowledge about the function of watersheds, their potential impairments, and local watershed protection strategies. The program will also include practical and engaging tools for encouraging individuals to take leadership roles in improving their local water quality. The program is funded by the Alabama Department of Environmental Management and led by the Alabama Cooperative Extension Water Program in conjunction with Alabama Water Watch. Acknowledging that stewardship first requires the value and respect of our natural resources, the AWS program provides a multifaceted educational approach to understanding the impacts our behaviors can have on water quality, and the numerous ways individuals across the state can make a difference.
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