Innovation in Erosion and Sediment Control

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Innovation in Erosion and Sediment Control: Hemp Fiber and Sheep Wool

This webinar will look at research into waste wool and hemp fiber in erosion and sediment control products. Research and innovation continue to push the industry forward, join us as we learn about research into the use of these materials in erosion and sediment control products. 

Finding End Use Opportunities for Hemp Fiber: Erosion Control R&D Project Background & Update


Presented by: Riley Gordon, Agriculture Utilization Research Institute and Brad Stuart, Terralana

Level: BeginnerIntermediate | Advanced
Duration: 1 hour
Type of Course: On-Demand

The Agricultural Utilization Research Institute's (AURI) mission is to foster long-term economic benefit for the state of Minnesota through value added agricultural products. AURI has been very active in the industrial hemp space, focusing on opportunities to facilitate commercialization of products, particularly in the areas of food and fiber. Leveraging awarded funding from Minnesota’s Environmental & Natural Resources Trust Fund, AURI has partnered with MNDOT, local hemp growers and several erosion control manufacturer partners to explore the use of industrial hemp fiber in several types of erosion and sediment control products. This presentation given by the project lead, Riley Gordon, PE, will give background and updates on the research projects goals, work done to date and next steps.

Sheep Wool - The Super Fiber for Erosion and Sediment Control


With ‘Sustainability’ at the heart of most projects these days, it makes sense to be looking for ways to reduce our environmental impact in everything we do.  Material choice can be challenging and with so many products available, choosing the best product for specific applications isn’t easy. Terra Lana will be exploring the possibilities of utilizing biodegradable materials on projects and how not all biodegradability is created equal.   This is a topical subject and an opportunity to challenge each other to work towards the common goal of regenerative design and a sustainable future.


Riley Gordon


Agricultural Utilization Research Institute

Riley Gordon graduated with honors from Brandon University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Physics (Mathematics minor) in the spring of 2014. Then, in 2017 he completed a degree program at the University of Minnesota—Twin Cities, obtaining a Bachelors degree in Civil Engineering with Environmental Emphasis in water related topics. Coinciding with his time at the U of M, Riley interned with a Civil Engineering consulting firm, working in both Intelligent Transportation Systems and Water Resources groups.

As an engineer, Riley will be applying the skills he gained through both his education and related industry experience to assist in AURI’s broad range of projects and initiatives. He primarily works out of the Coproducts lab in Waseca, MN, but will also apply his skillsets by delving into projects related to all four of the focus areas that encompass AURI’s work.

Riley is originally from Brandon, Manitoba, Canada.

Brad Stuart

National Sales and Specification Manager


Brad Stuart is the National Specification Manager for Terra Lana Products Ltd.  With 18 years in the construction industry, he brings a love for natural materials along with his desire to educate and pioneer initiatives to assist architects and designers to integrate ‘best practice’ solutions.  He is passionate about wool products and is focused on collaborating with others in the industry to ensure a sustainable future for the generations to come.

You will receive 1 Professional Development Hour for this webinar. 


On Demand
Innovation in Erosion and Sedmient Control
Recorded 2022/10/11
Recorded 2022/10/11
Claim Credit
Claim Credit: Innovation in Erosion and Sediment Control
1.00 PDH credit  |  Certificate available
1.00 PDH credit  |  Certificate available