The Practical Side of Implementing Stormwater Management

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The Practical Side of Implementing Stormwater Management


Presented by: Meghan Litsey, CPESC, Director of Environmental Compliance | WSB Engineers, Dylan Drudul, CPESC, Senior Sediment & Erosion Inspector | City of Rockville, Sonny Johns, CPESC, CISEC, CESSWI, Senior Stormwater Specialist, Cardinal Strategies, Rob Stangler, COO | T.A. Schifsky & Sons, Inc. and Don Elly, CPESC, CISEC, VP, Environmental | Allan Myers
Level: Intermediate
Duration: 4 hours
Type of Course: On-Demand

Join the International Erosion Control Association (IECA) for The Practical Side of Implementing Stormwater Management where we will focus on the role of the contractor in the implementation of stormwater management. This four-part series will examine the why in stormwater management, what to look for in the field to stay in compliance while protecting soil and water resources, alternatives to the basics, and achieving stabilization early on a project site. 

Learn from industry leaders as they tackle the tough challenges of coastal erosion, while working to care for the environment. Attendees can expect to learn:

  1. About Stormwater Management regulations, the why behind what needs to be done on-site.
  2. Evaluate the basic BMPs and discuss what alternatives might be more effective
  3. How to achieve field compliance before the inspector shows up.
  4. To understand why you should consider implementing BMPs early in the job site to achieve stabilization early.


Stormwater Regulations: What You Need to Know
Meghan Litsey, WSB Engineering

Are your construction sites covered? Understand the stormwater rules, risks, and ramifications that could impact your construction projects. This session will review the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Construction Stormwater (CSW) Permit requirements and the why behind them. Explore challenges to expect for your construction site and some simple steps for managing a compliant site.

Managing Onsite Construction Stormwater Compliance
Sonny Johns, Cardinal Strategies and Dylan Drudul, City of Rockville

Learn from field experts on how to manage your construction sites stormwater by implementing BMP's best suited for your project. Presenters will also discuss common missteps and issues that arise in the field and how to address them. This presentation is geared towards the novice construction site manager.

Practical Implementation of BMP’s
Rob Stangler, T.A. Schifsky & Sons, Inc.

The Compliance Value of Early BMPs and Stabilization
Jonathan Dearth and Don Elly, Allan Myers

Planning to implement critical BMPs early in your project, combined with prompt stabilization of areas of disturbance, is the single most effective approach to minimize sediment leaving your site limits of disturbance. This course reviews typical preconstruction/ predevelopment conditions, initial BMP installation and stabilization measures, and the importance of erosion & sediment control. Users will learn about full utilization of E&S plans, specifications for BMPs and stabilization, and time of year scenarios for temporary and permanent seeding. Best practices for installation, stabilization, and maintenance will also be reviewed. This course comes with a lifetime guarantee that using these principals will drive stormwater compliance on your projects from good to great!

Material presented during this webinar series is intended to be non-state specific and non-proprietary in nature.  Users are advised to seek their federal, state and local level regulations that pertain to Erosion and Sediment Control as well as Stormwater compliance. 

 Notice: After you register for this event, be sure to 'add to calendar' either from the content tab or when you receive the confirmation email. You will join the event through this same page in the IECA eHub. If you miss a live event, it will be recorded. 

Course Reviewed: June 2024

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Hosted by



Meghan Litsey, CPESC

Director of Environmental Compliance

WSB Engineers

Meghan Litsey has been involved in the stormwater and erosion control industry for ten years. She joined the Environmental Compliance group at WSB in 2014 and specializes in NPDES permitting and environmental compliance for MS4s and construction activities. In her current role at WSB, Meghan supports municipalities in the administration of their MS4 SWPPPs and performs as an environmental compliance manager on complex construction projects. Her specialties include training, SWPPP development, site inspections, and audit compliance. Meghan is a CPESC and holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Environmental Science from the University of Minnesota: Twin Cities and a Master’s in Business Administration from Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota.

Dylan Drudul, CPESC

Senior Sediment & Erosion Inspector

City of Rockville

Dylan has been in the stormwater management, NPDES complianceand water quality regulation industry for the past 8 years. He hasbeen a member of IECA since 2012 (26 years old)and has attended andexhibited at most of the IECA Annual Conferences since then. His extensiveknowledge of erosion & sediment control, stream restoration techniques anddesign, stormwater management and green infrastructure is vast and has been anasset not only to the industry but IECA as an organization.

Dylan is a graduate ofSlippery Rock University (SRU) and holds a bachelor’s degree in EnvironmentalGeoscience. During his time at SRU he performed field research inthe South Dakota Badlands (July-August 2006), was an active part ofthe Geological Society of America, Regional and National (2005-2009),Pittsburgh Geological Society (2005-2009) and the EnvironmentalGeology Club (2005-2009). 


Senior Stormwater Specialist

Cardinal Strategies

Sonny has been a member of IECA since 2011 and is the President of the South Central Chapter of IECA.  He is originally from New Orleans, LA. His career started in the oil and gas industry before transitioning to the environmental field. He holds a B.S. in Environmental Management and an M.S. in Occupational Safety & Health - Environmental Management both from Columbia Southern University in Orange Beach, AL.  Sonny is a CPESC, CISEC, CESSSWI, and a Registered Environmental Professional.  

Rob Stangler

Chief Operation Officer

T. A. Schifsky & Son’s, Inc.

I started in the field as a laborer, truck driver, and operator building various civil projects from rainwater gardens, driveways to streets.  I then moved on to be a general superintendent of our asphalt and earthwork crews. Currently I am the acting Chief Operation Officer and have been the Chief Operation Offer at T. A. Schifsky & Sons, Inc. for the past 16 years. I oversee our construction and estimating departments. I also do the hiring for all positions. My goal is to be an industry leader in highway heavy construction company through communicating the best practices in all aspects of our industry. I have done several lunch and lean seminars with Minnesota Asphalt and Paving Association on permeable pavements. I was very fortunate to weigh in on the MIDS permeable pavement committee at the MPCA. The various committees helped write the MIDS standards. I have truly enjoyed working with our local industry peers who represent the watersheds in our area. 


VP, Environmental

Allan Myers

Don’s career includes over 30 years of Operations leadership, including P&L and overall Stormwater Compliance responsibility, in multiple Construction Industry sectors (Energy, Commercial, Residential, Heavy Highway). Most recently, he assumed the leadership role for Environmental Compliance at Allan Myers, the Mid-Atlantic region’s largest Heavy Highway Contractor and Aggregate and Asphalt supplier. Don serves on the Boards of the Perkiomen Watershed Conservancy and ACE Mentor Greater Philadelphia, loves to fish, and resides with his wife of 36 years, near to his children and 6 grandchildren, in Southeast Pennsylvania.

Jonathan Dearth, CPESC, CISEC

Virginia Region Environmental Manager

Allan Myers

Jonathan Dearth, CPESC, CISEC, has been an industryprofessional since 2004 and has worked as a NPDES Consultant, Inspector,Instructor, and Environmental Manager in many facets of construction such asOverhead and Underground Power Transmission, DOT/Highway, Residential andCommercial Development, and Heavy Civil Construction. Since 2015 Jon has workedfor Allan Myers as the Virginia Region Environmental Manager at various constructionprojects, asphalt plants and other fixed facilities across the state and isinvolved with permitting, compliance, and environmental technical support atthese locations.   

You will receive Professional Development Hours per class in this Virtual Connection. You have the option to listen to as many presentations as you wish, however you will only receive education credit for the presentations you attended. The total number of Professional Development Hours for this event is four (4).

IECA's Group Watch Feature is designed to save you money while still delivering our world class education. The cost is one connection at full price and then each additional connection within your organization is $15. You must be part of the same organization to purchase group watch. To purchase the group watch for your organization, please contact


On-Demand Recordings
Stormwater Regulations: What You Need to Know
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin.
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin. Are your construction sites covered? Understand the stormwater rules, risks, and ramifications that could impact your construction projects. This session will review the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Construction Stormwater (CSW) Permit requirements and the why behind them. Explore challenges to expect for your construction site and some simple steps for managing a compliant site.
Managing Onsite Construction Stormwater Compliance
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin.
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin. Learn from field experts on how to manage your construction sites stormwater by implementing BMP's best suited for your project. Presenters will also discuss common missteps and issues that arise in the field and how to address them. This presentation is geared towards the novice construction site manager.
Practical Implementation of BMP’s
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin.
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin.
The Compliance Value of Early BMPs and Stabilization
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin.
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin. Planning to implement critical BMPs early in your project, combined with prompt stabilization of areas of disturbance, is the single most effective approach to minimize sediment leaving your site limits of disturbance. This course reviews typical preconstruction/ predevelopment conditions, initial BMP installation and stabilization measures, and the importance of erosion & sediment control. Users will learn about full utilization of E&S plans, specifications for BMPs and stabilization, and time of year scenarios for temporary and permanent seeding. Best practices for installation, stabilization, and maintenance will also be reviewed. This course comes with a lifetime guarantee that using these principals will drive stormwater compliance on your projects from good to great!
Attendee Feedback Opportunity
2 Questions
2 Questions We value your insights and experience in participating in this online education course within the IECA eHub. This component is a dedicated space for you to share your thoughts on the online education course you've just attended. Whether it's a comment on the webinar content, the presentation style, or the overall experience, we want to hear it all. Your feedback is crucial in helping us enhance our educational offerings and ensure that our events are meeting your professional development needs. Please take a moment to fill out the feedback form and let us know how we can make our future events even better. Thank you for your participation!
Claim Credit - Stormwater Regulations: What You Need to Know
1.00 PDH credit  |  Certificate available
1.00 PDH credit  |  Certificate available
Claim Credit - Managing Onsite Construction Stormwater Compliance
1.00 PDH credit  |  Certificate available
1.00 PDH credit  |  Certificate available
Claim Credit - BMP Alternatives to the Basics Information
1.00 PDH credit  |  Certificate available
1.00 PDH credit  |  Certificate available
Claim Credit - Proactive Steps for Compliance Excellence- Early Site BMP Planning, Installation, and Stabilization
1.00 PDH credit  |  Certificate available
1.00 PDH credit  |  Certificate available