IECA holds monthly webinars, join us for live online training!

IECA Professional Plus members receive free access to all content in the IECA Member Plus Library.

Erosion and Sediment Control

The education cornerstone of IECA has long been erosion and sediment control. Education in this library focuses on all aspects of erosion and sediment control.

Stormwater Management

Explore the extensive stormwater training IECA offers in the eHub.

Wetland, Streambank and Shoreline Restoration

Education in this library encompasses the focused, intricate and detailed work of restoring and enhancing the waters of our oceans, lakes, rivers, streams and wetlands.

MS4 Management

Education in this library focuses on all of the various aspects required of a Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Permit. Many stormwater professionals are expected to have expertise across a wide scope of programs, especially in smaller MS4's. Thousands of municipalities around the world are tasked with implementing strategies to lessen the impacts of urban stormwater and industrial pollution.

Environmental Connection Magazine

The official publication of IECA. All IECA members have access to the Environmental Magazine quiz. Read the magazine, pass the quiz and earn one (1) PDH per quarterly print.

IECA Member Education Benefit Overview

IECA Professional Plus members receive free access to all content in the IECA Member Plus Library. Look for the Member Plus banner in the webinar overview for additional FREE educational opportunities in the eHub. IECA members (including Professional, Young Professional, Discounted Professional, Emeritus, Student, and Australasia member) pay a reduced rate for IECA-hosted education, but may upgrade to a Professional Plus member to save more than $250 a year on IECA training. 

All members have complimentary access to Environmental Connection Magazine quizzes. Each quiz is worth one (1) professional development hour (PDH). 

Education is available throughout the IECA eHub to nonmembers as well. Not a member? Learn more about what membership with IECA can do for your company and career. Or, contact a member services representative for assistance and to upgrade: 1-800-220-3153 or

IECA is a nonprofit association, because of this status all credit card payments through the IECA eHub will show up as Charitable Donations on your credit card.
